Sunday, February 05, 2006

Marvin Returns (part 2)

In which Marvin recalls what happens when he is hauled into the pastor's office for a meeting. If you haven't done so yet, listen to Marvin Returns first to get the full story.
this is an audio post - click to play


At 2:07 PM , Blogger Christine Bakke said...

Marvin, I agree with Joe about it all sounding familiar. I was always being pressured to be "giving" as well as "taking" when I was known to be a homosexual struggler at my past churches. I just used to tell them that it was my time to really heal myself and it wasn't the time for me to be giving....but that's just my experience. Maybe you are at a different place with your struggle than I was at that time. I'm wishing all the best and can't wait to hear what else is happening with all of this.

At 7:15 PM , Blogger Jonathan said...

ummmm...Marvin, did you say you had to leave to go to Church? The same-old, same-old one? I wonder if figuratively, you could turn into something like Lot's wife because you are looking back after God has pointed you in a new direction? Of course, that's assuming you feel God pointed you to the other church. Just a thought! Remember...there is therefore now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ!


At 12:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember a Pastor that I had shared my same sex struggles with....kept telling me I was in "rebellion"...

And that "homosexuality is the greatest rebellion of all"!


But mostly, he wanted me not to question anything he said.


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